
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

SLJ - Fishing comic

 Hi guys,

Welcome back to another blog post. Today we watched a video, but the video had no words in it so we had to create a comic strip about the video and add words. Its part of the Summer Learning Journey ( SLJ ). I hope you guys enjoy it. 

Monday, December 14, 2020

Maths pattern. Can you figure it out

 Hi guys,

Welcome back to another blog post. This is out last week of school for the the year but for me its the last week of primary school forever !! For maths we are doing patterns. Today we had to create  our own patterns with shapes and numbers ( down below ).  Can you figure it out. If so tell me in the comments. I hope its not to easy or to hard. Enjoy it !!

Monday, December 7, 2020

Colouring Dish of apples my own way

 Hi guys and girls,

This week for cybersmart we learned a bit about the summer learning journey. We did a colouring book app were you can colour famous artworks and landmarks. I did a lot but one of my favourites was Dish of apples.  I hope you enjoy

Thursday, November 26, 2020


 Hi guys,

Welcome back to another blog post. This week for reading we only had to do a summery of our story ( see another blog post). So after we had finished that and blogged it we could do art hub for kids. I decided to draw PIZZA STEVE !! I hope you guys enjoy. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Rainbows, how do they form

Hi guys,

Welcome back to another blog post. This week for writing I did a explanation writing on how rainbows form with Mr Williams. Explanation writing is a piece of witting were you are explaining to some one how something works. So here is a piece  of writing that I wrote about how rainbows form. I hope you enjoy. 

How do rainbows form 

 Have you ever wondered how rainbows form? I know, but there are some things that maybe you didn't know about rainbows like that we see the rainbows colours backwards. I know right. The first step to making rainbows is …

 The first thing that creates a rainbow is after it rains the light from the sun will enter the droplets of water.

 Secondly when the sun exits the water droplets and realises colour making the sky colourful.

 Finally is when a rainbow appears. The colours of the rainbow are red orange yellow green blue indigo and violet. A good way to remember this is ROY G BIV. A rainbow is actually a circle but we only see half from the ground. Lets recap. First the light from the sun enters a water droplet. Second the light exists in the droplet and releases the colour. Third a rainbow appears. To see a rainbow you must be facing the rain and the sun must be behind you.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Christchurch street art

Hi guys,

Today I read a book about the art on Christchurch streets. Artists have done amazing things with art. If you go around Christchurch you would see a lot of art work. To learn more I wrote a summery about it so I hope you enjoy. 


Friday, November 20, 2020

Orangutans are just like humans

Hi guys,

Welcome back to another blog post. This week for reading I read about orangutans. Orangutans are very similar to humans.  In fact  orangutan means person of the forest. Crazy right ?? I did a word find and a quiz. See if you can find my 15 words in my word find and can you answer my 15 questions in my quiz. For the quiz just right your answers in the comments. Enjoy!!   
