
Friday, June 21, 2019

How to turn something from ugly into something beautiful on the internet

Hi guys 
welcome back to my blog.I have another blog post for you guys.But this time its a lesson.Don't worry I will make sure it's not  a boring lecture.It's about how to alter pictures from ugly to pretty. Here's how.

1.Chose a picture  to alter.

2.find something to cover it up

3. drag the picture and put it on the picture and there you have it.Here is 

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Blooms task weapons of mass description

Hi guys welcome to my week 8 blooms task's.There is a link down below for my blooms task. Coment if you like it or want to see more of my blooms task's posted.Keep coming to my blog for new post because I will keep you posted on my learning journey.

My Work

Thursday, June 6, 2019

The horses on the beach

Hi,I have created a discretion of horses on a beach.Please tell me if you can picture this in your mind form my amazing writing.