
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Reaching for the stars 2020

Hi my name is Ella and this is my goal.My goal is to be the best house leader I can be.I can achieve this by helping the kids that come to me for help or help them if the look like they need help I can help.I will also achieve this by seating an example for the little kids.  I also want to give a shout out to Mr Williams for taking the  time to take pictures of us reaching for out goals. Hope you enjoy :) :) :)


  1. Hi Ella, my name is Mahrosh from Hay Park School. Your goal reminded me when I was trying to when I tried to be the best class leader I could be. I hope you achieve your goal soon! Maybe next time you could tell how you could achieve it.

  2. Hi Ella. You are off to a good start. Best of luck

  3. Congratulations Ella on achieving one of the goals you have set for yourself so early in 2020. I think you will make a great leader as you are a great listener and are kind and considerate of others. I am excited to see what other goals you set for yourself this year.

  4. Hi Ella, Mrs T here. A big congratulations on reaching you goal of not only becoming a leader but your enthusiasm of being the best house leader. You are going to be fantastic leader this year and looking forward to seeing what you accomplish. I would love to see a few other goals that you have set for this year in you star as well.

    Take care
    Mrs T

    1. Thank's Mrs T
      I have a lot of goals like getting better in maths and P.E.
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