
Friday, November 6, 2020

How much do you know about animals

Hi guys,

Welcome back to another blog post. I have been working on a quiz for a few days. I read a book about giraffes and pandas and based this blog post on them. Mostly giraffes though. I have never used google forms to make a quiz, but I think it turned out very well. I used tools I never used before on google drawing to make the vendiagram ( Giraffes VS Pandas). I hope you guys enjoy and don't forget to comment feedback.  

Giraffe quiz 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ella.
    Mrs Snook here. Wow what an amazing job you have done on your research about the differences between Giraffes and Pandas and especially the things they have in common. I love the colourful presentation. Keep up the great work.


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