
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Animal opion writing

Hi guys,
I am back with another post .Below you can see  my opion  writing for animals working.Please give me some feedback on if you agree with me or what I can do better.Happy reading Ella😁

 Should People Use Animals for Work?  By Ella
 In my opinion using animals depends on the job.If they save people’s lives we should use animals but if an animals get hurt I am against.

 My first reason is we shouldn't use animals because they get hurt.Animals are living     Creatures and have feelings too. For example horses get whipped in some countries because they aren't moving very fast but they are doing their best.

 Secondly zoo’s pens need to be bigger. Like I said they have feelings too. For example animals are being stared at everyday just so we can be entertained. This is a very bad thing.

My last and final reason is however we can use animals because they save people's lives and the animal get an reward.For example beagles sniff out cancer.Another example is when dogs sniff people out after an avalanche. They receive food for saving lives.

So for all these excellent  reasons we can use animals but they must not get hurt or treated badly. 


  1. HI Ella is me blog buddy Sophie/sop
    I like how you write about ho people should use animal is great.
    You did great work did anyone help you?
    Nice work ellas

  2. HI Ella is me blog buddy Sophie/sop
    I like how you write about ho people should use animal is great.
    You did great work did anyone help you?
    Nice work ellas


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