
Monday, July 1, 2019

How can we help the kereru

Hi guys in the past week my reading group has been working on a book called Kaupapa Kereru. We learnt that we need to do something or kereru will become extincted.Do you want to know how to help?Great.I made this to let people know how we can help them.Happy reading.

How can we help the kereru
1.We can keep their main predators away from them.Cats,rats,possums and stoats.
2.Put up posters so that the word goes gets out.
3.Go to people who hunt kereru and try to convince them to stop.
4.Start growing their food.Fruit of native plants and induced plants.
5.Join the kaupapa kereru.

6. Every week go to  Banks Peninsula for a kereru count.

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