
Thursday, June 18, 2020

Dolphins,Dolphins and more dolphins

Hi guys,
Welcome back to another blog post. This one is about my information report on dolphins. This is my 3rd information report. If you want to see my 2nd then go look for that post after this. I hope you enjoy.


Did you know a group of dolphins can kill a shark ??

Thats crazy right ?? You can learn facts like these

e in this report. You will learn about their habitat,

diet,predators and environmental dangers. Enjoy.

Where does a dolphin live ??

Dolphins live in water. But what kind of water do

they live in. Well let me tell you.

Dolphins can live in a lot of different water. They

can live in saltwater and freshwater. The means you

can find them in the ocean,lakes,rivers and streams.

You may even find one in an aquarium.

What do dolphins eat ??

Dolphins eat a number of things. That means they don’t

just eat fish.

Dolphins eat fish and octopus. They also eat squid and jellyfish.

Dolphins are carnivores but no dolphin has been known to eat a

human which is good for us.

Who are dolphins predators ??

Do you remember when I told you that a group of dolphins

can kill a shark ?? Well they can. But the shark has to be smaller than

the dolphin.

The only predators of a dolphin are sharks. Dolphins are predators themselves

to a few sharks but they are only little sharks. The bigger sharks are the

problem. Sharks like the primary shark and the bull shark. Another one

is the tiger shark and dusky shark and of course the great white shark.

What other dangers are there to dolphins apart from predators ??

I have told you about dolphins predators but not their environmental


A dolphins environmental dangers are PLASTIC IN THE

OCEAN !!!!! Climate change and ship sticks. There are

more dangers I can not name.

You have learned a dolphins habitat,diet,predators and

environmental dangers. I hoped you learned a lot from

this report. Do you know any more facts about dolphins ??

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