
Thursday, June 4, 2020

North Dakota

Hi everyone
Welcome to my blog.This week for reading I had to chose a book to do my create task on.I chose a book called its snowing again.This is my create task I hope you enjoy


  1. Hi Ella
    Thanks for sharing four interesting facts about North Dakota. I didn't realise they produced that much honey? I was surprised in that extreme cold that the bees flourish and keep producing? What surprise or interested you t the most about North Dakota?

  2. HI Ella,
    You have chosen some great images to go with the facts you presented. The text was a little difficult to read, so make sure it is large enough to see easily! I love snow - wouldn't it be great if Christchurch got a lot of snow this year? What are some similarities and differences you found between North Dakota and Christchurch?
    Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing your next Create task!

  3. HI Ella,
    I learnt some cool facts.Thanks for sharing it.Next time you could include some more facts.From Joshvaa.


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