
Friday, September 18, 2020

Maori language week reading tasks

 Hi guys welcome back to another blog post. This week for reading, since it is Maori language week we did 9 create tasks. They were easy and we could do them quicker then we usually could with the create tasks. Anyway. They are all Maori of based on Maori. I hope you enjoy and don't forget top comment witch one you think is best.


  1. Hello Ella.

    I really enjoyed your pepeha. It was really cool. When my class did ours we didn't write it down on docs. That really cool. It okay if you dont know some of them, just keep practising. Have an awesome 2020.

    1. Hi sascha,
      Thanks for commenting.
      I will keep trying.
      What was your pepeha ??


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3. Something helpful - Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.
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