
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Student summit 2020

 Hi guys,

Welcome back to another blog post. Today I presented at a student summit. The student summit is were some children from each of the schools in our cluster show other students in different schools than them how to do or create something. Me and my buddy Daniel taught people how to do scratch maths. It went really well in the 2 session but not that well in the 1st. In the 1st session people were very silly in the chat and we did not get to finish. But it was our 1st time so no one minded. I don't think so anyway. In the 2 session everything went really well. No one was silly and we got to finish the presentation. For the 3rd session I went to kezia and jaydah  how to embed a 4 things into our blog. For the 4th session I was with some people who's name I can't rember . They taught me how to use prezi but because of technician reasons I could not create one.  


  1. good job did you come to pick a pat i was leading it

  2. Hi Ella! My name is Mia from Yaldhurst Model School. Awesome! It's nice to hear that you did well in the second session. I liked the way that you explained what the student summit is because some people probably wouldn't know about it.

    Our group (which presented Prezi) had trouble in our 1st session too, we had a few technical issues, and we only had like 10 minutes in the end! But, the second time we did it, it was a lot more successful. I liked presenting, it was an interesting experience, what was your favorite part of the student summit this year?

    To improve, maybe you could add in a cool DLO and pack it all into a slide or something along those lines.

    Great work!
    I hope you enjoyed the Student Summit this year!

    1. Hi Mia. I enjoyed presenting to. I think the 2 session went better for everybody. I enjoyed your presentation. I just wished I could have done it. I did enjoy the student summit this year. Did you enjoy the summit ?? Thanks for commenting as well.

  3. Hi I am Daisy.
    I like this post because it was imformtive.
    I think you could add a picture next time.
    I can relate because I presented.

    1. Hi daisy,
      Thanks for commeting. Thanks for thew feedback as well. Presenting is hard at first but we can get used to it


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