
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Monster,setting and pick a path writting

 Hi guys,

Welcome back to another blog post. For the past few weeks me and my writing group have been working hard with a task we were given. First in was simple. Chose a picture and write the 5 sences into a plan  I chose a picture of a cave that leads out a lagoon. Sounds easy right ? Well it was but then we had to team up with 1 or 2 people with the same picture as you and do the exact same plan. So I teamed up with Skyla and Karaitiana. We did it and it turned out awesome. Then we had to write a 5 paragraphs together about the senses. It was getting hard now. Then we had to add our monsters into our story. ( Go check out me monster post to met MY monster ). Once we did that we were given the task to think of a problem and suliton and then. I was away that day so I missed out on doing it. Then in out group we had to think of a problem and do a pick a path about in the same setting that we had been doing from the start with our monsters in it. Once we did all of that we had to put it on a slide show and post it to the blog. I hope you enjoy the slide show. As you can see I have worked hard doing this so please comment on it. It is not finished so enjoy what is there already. 


  1. Hey Ella!
    I loved your work and Karaitiana's and Skyla's work! I really liked how you put lot's of descriptive words. I really like your monsters names because they are very creative! Maybe next time check through your work next time! From Amelia!!!

  2. Really awesome work girls,excellent descriptions in your stories I could imagine what it was like to actually be there. I especially liked it when I could pick where to go in the story. Next time maybe instead of describing I can smell... I can smell.... I can hear.... I can hear you could mix it up a it, for example the smell of bananas or the scent of the flowers or the fresh air filled my nose. You worked really well as a team it was great to read all the different characters view points. You should all be proud of your hard work.


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1. Something positive - Begin with a greeting. Talk about something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A comment that will mean something to me to let me know you read/watched or listened to what I had to say. - use any language.
3. Something helpful - Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.
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