
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Never give up

 Hi guys,

Welcome back to another blog post. This week for reading I read a book called Awarua The Taniwha Of Porirua. We had to read the story and figure out what the moral of the story is and then make a animation about it. After my animation is a summary of the story. Enjoy

Summary :
There is a Taniwha named Awarua who want to fly so she talks to her friend Rereroa  and asked her if she could teach her to fly. Rereroa  agrees and after many failed trys Awarua flys !! The moral of the story is never give up.



  1. Hi Ella its me Kezia!
    I really like how you wrote a summery of your story and a description. I wish I could have read this book it looked very nice! Maybe next time you could check your spelling because you wrote example as exsample. But I really love your animation! But I didn't quite understand the point of your animation. How does your animation relate to Never Give Up?

    1. Hi kezia,
      Thanks for commenting. Thanks for the advice as well. The people were never giving up in the race.

  2. Hi Ella
    Miss Bunting here. I like stories who have great messages like never to give up to try and try again. I bet this is how you felt when you were running in the school and zone cross country events. Its always great to relate what you have learnt to a personal experience. What other examples of learning something new do you have where you have never given up?

    1. Hi Miss bunting,
      Thanks for commenting.
      I did feel that was when I was running.
      Another exsample of never giving up is doing it when people tell you you can't.


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