
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Whats the matter ??? Comic strip

Hi guys,
Welcome back to another blog post. This week for reading I read a book called whats the matter?. Its about a boy who sees a flyer about a machine that can provide everything. He decided to get one. So when he git his it said you have to use 3 words or under. The first thing he wished for was ice-cream. That did not go so well. So he asked for his own video. That did not go so well. After a couple of wishes his room was a mess. He knew that his parents would not like it. So when he heard his parents coming down the hallway he sat on the machine and said " CANCEL"... Our task was to make a comic strip that shows what we thought would happen. This is mine.
WALT:Use prior knowledge and context to predict what will happen next.

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